Monday, June 1, 2009

boobs and waffle patterns: part 1

Yesterday I started the tedious process of moving. Well, let me back up a step. Three weeks ago I moved back to the Tri-Cities from Spokane, at which point my parents sold our house and had already moved some items to our new house 5 minutes away. So in addition to sorting through all my stuff to take to Baltimore, I have to empty my current bedroom and set up my new one.

This process began with my closet. Thanks to Sarah, when I graduated high school we spent two days sorting through all my stuff and labeling/sorting it into manageable spaces. I'm a terrible pack rat, and thus have trouble parting with 8th grade Algebra tests or the pin I bought on an elementary school field trip. And despite our careful organization 4 years ago, I still had a lot of stuff that had just been chucked into the top shelf, or stuff that I want to take to the East Coast and thus had to be unsorted and repacked. In this process, I came across some pretty interesting items. Here are a few of my favorites:

  • my Teen Girl Squad shirt from high school. Four of us made shirts based on the online cartoon. I was the Ugly One.
  • old dance pictures. I must say, I picked some pretty decent dresses (save for junior year prom. woof).
  • A CD someone made for me to accept my invitation to our senior year Sadies Hawkins dance. It also came with a life-size mannequin that was put in my car in the school parking lot, but I gave that part back.
  • My WWJD cloth watch that I bought at a church concert. Purple band with black plastic snap. Priceless.
  • A love poem written to me in the eighth grade, rhyming couplets and all.
  • A card from Sarah that she gave me after a particularly nasty break up. On the envelope she promised that "the next set of pedicures and brownies were on her." Pay up, sister.
  • My favorite yellow sweater with an applique teddy bear outlined in puffy paint, circa 1st grade.
  • A print off of an AOL Instant Message conversation I had with a friend sophomore year. Why I thought I would need to remind myself of all that angst is beyond me.
  • A document titled "Reasons why being boobless is awesome!" given to my by Alyssa.
-I think my favorites are #2: You can run without worrying about breaking your nose
because of floppage. And #40: You don't sink to the bottom of the pool since you don't
have those heavy weights.
  • A card from Alyssa with this message inside: "Waffle patterns on your butt from lawn chairs fade. Friendship lasts forever." So true.

After almost 2 hours of sorting, I had the closet done, and unfortunately also developed a rash across the front of my chest, probably from some creature lurking in the closet. That, or I'm allergic to the past.

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