Thursday, June 25, 2009

UPDATED: tv chocolate

*I can only hope that the filming hiatus announced by TLC on the show isn't just because they can't piece together enough fresh footage for new episodes.

It's official: I feel like a terrible person.

For anyone that's been around me in the past year, you know I've developed somewhat of an addiction to the TLC show "Jon & Kate plus 8." I started watching it last summer (thanks for nothing Kelsey), and was hooked after 5 minutes of those adorable small children. I knew at first that this was probably not a healthy marketing project to support. These children would grow up to have their friends know when they first took a poop in the laundry room, know every time they screamed on an airplane, what their first trip to the dentist entailed. It was clearly playing off the emotions of Americans, hoping to see that some other family was just as screwed up, and yet just as lovable, as the rest of us. I couldn't help myself, even though I knew with every episode I watched, I was supporting the show, and thus the commercialization of this family.

With this week's announcement, however, my guilt was officially solidified. This whole season has been painful, just because so much is happening besides what we see for half an hour on Monday nights. Rumors flew, tears were cried, and we watched a family disintegrate.

And TLC posted a "sneak peek" of their separation annoucement.

So I'm taking this opportunity to apologize, to the Goesslin family and to myself. I'm sorry that I let my affection for your small beautiful Asian children get in the way of my better judgment. I'm sorry that your kids are confused and tired and scared. Do I believe Jon cheated? No.Should my opinion matter at all? Nope. And hopefully I'll remember that in my inevitable future reality tv addictions.

1 comment:

MalikVlogs said...

Usually I never comment on blogs but your article is so convincing that I never stop
myself to say something about it. You’re doing a great job Man,Keep it up. :