Wednesday, June 10, 2009

boobs and waffle patterns: the college years

So I've pretty much sorted through all my stuff at this point. I think my main conclusion is that I just have way too much crap, and an unhealthy affection for shoes. But the last of the bins and boxes contained mostly stuff from college, so here's some of my favorites from the college years:

  • My pen from the PBS headquarters, which I visited in January of 2007. Each time you click the pen a new phrase scrolls through, and when I picked it up today it was on one that said "be more tolerant." Thank you, public television.
  • My SAD (Singles Awareness Day) shirt from freshman year. My hall made the shirts to wear on Valentine's Day, and I still think of Katrina's shirt whenever I hear Destiny's Child "Independent Women," because she put phrases from the song all over hers.
  • An affirmation sheet from Lutherhaven. Camp (summer 2007) was a crazy time, and I don't think I've ever had to spend so much time affirming people I couldn't stand. No matter how much you love Jesus, some people just shouldn't work with children.
  • The card James gave me with my rain boots Christmas of last year. They are blue with white polka dots, and you better believe I jump in every puddle I see when I wear them.
  • A CD of photos from the 2006-2007 Whitworthian editorial staff. Thomas, you need a life.
  • The photo of me on the Rockin Rollercoaster in Hollywood Studios in Disneyworld this spring. Tied with sarah and I's photo from Tremors, circa 6th grade, for most epic photo taken on a roller coaster.

1 comment:

Weakley said...

i agree on teh affirmations. i might have actually finally thrown that away, or kept it. i can't remember. i do know, though, that that experience did help me in my work life: i know can hold my tongue when someone is a complete idiot.