Friday, May 22, 2009

You'll never get a second cupcake if you don't ask for it

My 2 year old nephew, Benjamin, visited for about a week with my older brother for all the graduation hoopla. Here are some of the many lessons he taught me:

-Tell people how it is, and don't apologize. If you don't like the salmon, just say so. If your diaper is poopy, simply ask someone to change it for you.

-Swinging higher than you think you can is always exhilarating.

-Some people are better baseball partners than others.

-Shoes are not necessary when riding in a car.

-You'll never get a second cupcake if you don't ask for it.

-Games with sounds are better than games without sounds.

-Sliding down a staircase face first? Bad idea. Sliding down backwards? Endless fun.

-There's no good reason why we shouldn't play racecars in an international airport.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think we also learned that if you're cute and adorable you can get whatever you want. Good lesson to keep in your back pocket.
But i also think we won't be called "adorable" again until we're 93 and people call us that because it sounds better than "old and wrinkly".