Saturday, May 2, 2009

a bucket list, of sorts

With my college career ending in less than two weeks, I've realized (as is inevitable in these nostalgic times) that I still have a lot I want to do at Whitworth University. Plus, I've always admired Alyssa's goal lists for defined periods of time. So, with 15 days left, here is my bucket list:

1. swim in the Aquatics Center. Katie and I already got this covered, we're going to a water aerobics class. brilliant.

2. Catch a pinecone. For non-Whitworth folk, this is a student tradition. Basically you're not cool unless you can say you've caught a pinecone falling out of a tree.

3-5. Go to the Screaming Yak, the Viking, and Double Dribble. (all bars, of course.)

6. Play miniature golf at Wonderland, the fun center literally a block away from campus that I've never been to.

7. Get a milkshake from the Jack in the Box drive-thru. The only way I will go to Jack in the Box is if it's on a list of this nature.

8. Sit and talk with someone at Rogue, the coffee shop across Division that also serves alcohol.

9. Get a cake from the library. This would require someone to send me a cake, though... what can I say, I'm an optimist.

10. Go on Whitworth's radio station, Kelsey and I are going to do a short show together: The Baconators.

11. Use the Dine with the Mind program, which essentially is a voucher to take a professor out to coffee. This one is more of a joke, but still might happen. Especially since my meal plan is quickly vanishing.

12. Make out in the library, preferrably in the poetry or classic literature sections. Like #8, this one takes outside participation. Again, optimism.

13. Tell a dirty joke right as a tour of prospective students walk by.

14. Go look at the art in the Koehler Gallery. Current exhibit: "Something better than free beer," the senior exhibit for art majors.

15. Rollerskate down the Hello Walk.


Weakley said...

an excellent list! time is running out to do all those lovely things, but the bars and the dirty joke ones should be priorities.
or, you could just swear very loudly in front of a group. the christian parents would be beside themselves.

alyssa said...

water aerobics! and i enjoy that two of your activities take place in the library although i have no idea what getting a cake from the library means.

Kelsey Bacon said...

umm...i've been trying to get you to swim in the aquatics center with me for months. Now you decide to go?! sheesh.

joy said...

Your parents can buy a cake when it's your birthday and the school makes it for you. For some reason you have to pick them up in the Library.

J. McIntyre said...

Cake that must be picked up at the library? How could I not know about this?! Who does one call for a library cake? :)

gabrielle said...

hi joy, i'm bisexual and a whitworth alumni and you're pretty and one of my heroes *smiles pretty* wanna make out in the library?

gabrielle said...

pff. i wasn't really expecting a response, on the record.

in case you change your mind:

no, i wasn't joking.
