Monday, July 21, 2008

Just one of the reasons why I'll never be as bad ass as my mother

A few weeks ago when my mom was rummaging through the years she stores in dusty boxes underneath my parents' bed, she came across many things (one of my favorites being her 7th grade cheerleading squad photo, in which she's front and center). But she also found two notebooks she then lent me for "education of why you're lucky to be a woman when you are." The notebooks are a faded yellow, with black binding, and labeled Spokane Elementary Schools Composition Book in a sans serif. At the top of one, a smudged print reads "Home Economics Cooking Unit. Judy Jeanes, Adams 8th." This would date it to approximately 1961. Here is just one of the entries:

Table settings and manners
pages 154-163

1. In selecting linens servicability, durability, and cost must be considered.
2. Silver plated ware and sterling silver should be chosen carefully. Either should used daily to increase its beauty and to make the meal attractive.
3. In selecting china cost, suitability, ease of replacement, and attractiveness must be considered
4. Glassware is relatively imexpensive and gives a certain sparkle and attractiveness to the table.
5. All these table accessories should be chosen with care and should be suited to family income and use.
6. The individual cover depends upon the menu and the type of service.
7. Family service is an attractive, simple, and hospitable service used most frequently in American homes.
8. Formal service is used for occasional dinner parties if well-trained help is available.

Below the list is pasted a magazine cut-out of a formal table setting, complete with gold silverware and candesticks of appropriate height. The opposing page lists recipes for a fruit salad I and egg salad sandwiches. And yes, my mother forgot a crucial verb in the second sentence of the second item. That may have contributed to the B written in bright red ink in the front of the book as her final grade. Or it could have been that she always wanted to take wood shop instead of home economics.


Andrew said...

Other than how I like the phrase "be as bad ass as" just for the letter-content, can you imagine that textbook? Those were pages 154-163--bad ass just for the power of her paraphrasing.

joy said...

My mom is quite the queen of paraphrasing.