Monday, September 21, 2009

the real sisterhood of the traveling pants

Last Friday was my first real teacher paycheck. So naturally, my roommate and I went shopping.

I ended up getting a pair of pants from Gap (where else) and was excited about them but not at the point of "I want these in 8 different colors" yet. That was, until this morning.

The Starbucks on 25th and Charles, inside Safeway, has become a regular morning stop for me. Yes, I know it's cheaper to buy a coffee maker and do it myself, but honestly I've had one before and I just don't take the time to make coffee in-house. And since switched to americanos, it's significantly cheaper than my white mocha days. But I digress.

So I was scurrying back to my car this morning, beverage in one hand and keys in the other, when my foot slipped in one of the 100 or so potholes in the parking lot and my coffee flew everywhere. Including all down the front left leg of the new pants. After a few choice expletives about the lost caffeine and $2.10 down the toilet, I turned my attention to cleaning myself up for school. Going back home to change wasn't an option, so I blotted what I could from my pants. And then, a magical thing happened: the coffee disappeared.

I can't explain it. It's like the pants whisked the stains away into a secret stain bank that I'll have to deal with before I die. But it's like nothing ever happened. No wetness, discoloring, not even a drop of scalding water on the skin underneath. For a stain-susceptible woman like myself, these pants are a godsend. Oh yeah, and they make your ass look fantastic.

Gap. Wide leg trouser. Dark charcoal. Go get some.


alyssa said...

Wish I could check out your fantastic ass.

Mara said...

YOUR ass may look fantastic in gap jeans, but mostly I think that's just your ass.... I'm willing to bet that unlike the story these jeans would not do anything for my ironing-board butt....
I suppose I will have to come visit you and then try them on, just for the hell of it.
I hope they continue to be magical for you :)