Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I'm not dead

For those of you who rely on this blog as your steady updates about the happenings in my life, my apologies for the lack of updates. Hopefully I saw most of you in person and caught you up. (Alyssa you're next on my visit list. I miss you friend).

I've been into three bookstores in the past week, and am realizing more and more that I'm way behind on my claim to being an avid reader. I've bought 3 books, been given 1, and restrained myself from purchasing about 10. I'm in the middle of Kim Edwards' The Memory Keeper's Daughter, and am investing in it even though so far it's a bit of a chore. I for the most part adhere to a one book policy, meaning I can't be in the middle of more than one pleasure read at a time, and if I am they have to be different genres (a novel and a nonfiction, for example.) I have two Zadie Smith novels in the queue, as well as Anne Lamott's nonfiction about being a writer. Hmm, Jan Term offers so much time...

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