Friday, January 23, 2009

anniversary, zip code

Tuesday was a really really good day. I kicked some serious journalism booty at my magazine internship, because I was trying to restrain myself from reading the email titled "your Teach for America application." But because I was kicking some serious journalism booty, I had to get a press release out of my inbox, and upon doing so read the newest message in my inbox titled "welcome to the 2009 Teach for America: Baltimore Corps."

At this point, I began bouncing up and down in my non-ergonomic chair. At which point I made two very giddy phone calls. At which point I had to calm down and get back to work. But after work, I made more giddy phone calls, which led to finding out my brother is officially not going back to war. Which led to my enjoyment of 2 strawberry margaritas in the company of friends.

And, to top it all off, I found my long lost Chapstick-brand Chapstick. The moisturizing kind, in the blue tube.


Meredith said...

I swear I'm not a creepy blog stalker (this is Meredith)... but hooray for awesome days and the right kind of chapstick!! I use the vanilla mint moisturizing one and it's super hard to find, so I at least understand the excitement associated with that part of your day. :)

nancy said...

congrats on TFA, joy. Baltimore. Balluhmore. the east coast. way to go.

alyssa said...

congratulations on teach for america! really, did you have a doubt?

Unknown said...

YAYAYAYAYAYA!!! I'm so stoked for you!