Friday, January 16, 2009

what can I say, I'm a media nerd

I wanted to explain a little bit about the new links on this site. For some of you, this will be inherently boring. But for others, I just wanted to point you in the direction social media is heading: These are links to web pages or articles I have bookmarked on my account under bacon_pages. I will refresh this list hopefully every week or so, and post an archived entry of past links. I email a lot of articles and things to several of you, and this is just a more streamlined way of sharing content I think is interesting or valuable.

Twitter: A sort of mini-blog. The main advantage to this site is your ability to “follow” a person, and their feeds then are displayed on your page. For example, I follow several friends and colleagues, as well as professional organizations such as the Poynter Institute, the New York Times, Whitworth University, and of course The Whitworthian.

LinkedIn: More of a networking site for the professional world. Here you can post a full resume as well as more detailed descriptions of positions you’ve held or projects you’re working on. You can also request recommendations that are then posted on your site. This is a great tool for all of you who currently in the job hunt process.

Flickr: An online photo sharing site. It allows you to search millions of other photos, as well as to upload your own. You can also license your work through creative commons, a sort of copyright that you can specify the limitations and guidelines on. My first account is under bacon_pics, and currently has photos of my house and school buried under an ungodly amount of snow.

Some of these are products of my current Jan Term course, others are sites I’ve had for some time but just never linked anywhere. Take them for what they’re worth, and explore how you might use them yourself.

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