Sunday, September 19, 2010

ingredients for a pretty good Sunday

- 2 hours of perusing the Abell Street Fair, conveniently located on my street with art vendors, bake sale items, and several community organizations promoting their causes. I walked away with two paintings, a "conversation tin" (similar to a loaded questions-type game), a flyer for next weekend's car wash, and a kick-ass piece of chocolate cake baked by an 8 year old.

-a continued commitment to reading my home delivery Sunday Times. I absolved my journalistic guilt by subscribing to the print edition for Sundays, and it keeps proving to be an excellent expenditure of time and money. This week's Time Magazine in particular is very good, all focused on education. (See the Delicious links on right).

-3 Clorox wipes and a dustpan, applied to our still-emerging living room.

-leftover cheesy bread

-being called a "love guru" by a friend in need of relationship advice. It's nice to know that my sometimes bumpy experiences are being put to good use.

-having 3 people say hello to me by name at church. It's taken me a while, but I finally am a recognized face and name, at least by my fellow choir members.

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