Sunday, February 7, 2010

"stick around if you want to see some real idiots"

This was muttered to us by a man as his other friend and their two lady friends decided it would be ok to try and just drive out of the snow. On a street that hadn't been touched by footprints, let alone a shovel or plow. So that meant an solid 25ish inches.

I can't speak for the whole city, but my neighborhood is less than accessible. Of the about 8-12 streets we walked by on our morning adventure today, only about 3 had been actually "plowed," another half had been intermitently driven down by large trucks but still not passable by anything smaller than a Hummer, and the rest sat in silence. And these are streets that go by a major hospital and one of the wealthiest universities in the country. It's actually not that cold out, so it was a nice trot around town. Here's just a sampling of the scenery:

-A dude in a T-shirt and jeans walking BAREFOOT down the street. News flash: no one thinks you're a big deal.

-Not 1, not 2, but 4 people going for a run. I was waiting for them to slip and fall, so I could laugh at their foolishness.

-A woman pushing 80 years old, trying to diligently dig out her car. She wasn't really making any sort of useful progress, but it gave her something to do at least.

This is Lola, for those of you who haven't met her yet. Needless to say, she's staying put for a while.
This would be one of the "not touched by man or machine" roads, about .75 miles away from my apartment building. The guy looking confused is trying to decide if it was worth the 8+hours of shoveling to get out his car, to take his crappy one-night stand lady friend back to her house across town.

And we could get up to 10 more inches in another storm coming through Tuesday. Good thing I splurged on the value box of corn dog nuggets.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Oh wow. I love you joy. I just wish I was there with you like Jan Term last year. I may even partake in those corn dog nuggets. I'm sorry I ever scoffed at you. Try not to hurt yourself in the Lola rescue efforts.