Monday, January 21, 2008

vivo mi

This is the phrase that our mexican friends will remember me for: Vivo mi, or I live. I said it on Friday during la comida. Some people nearby were shooting off crazy loud fireworks, and our professor at one point shouted ¡vive mèxico! I decided that my life was more important than a whole country, because I´m selfish and American like that, hence my response to his exclamation. Now anytime we see Franscesco or Hiraldo, they greet me with my infamous quote. Delightful.

In other news, Claudia is slowly on the mend. She came home from the hospital late Thursday night, and is getting back a little more color each day. We feel a little guilty for seeming like a burden, but we try to be as helpful as possible. All of our group was encouraged to prepare a meal for our families at some point, so we made our chicken parmesan yesterday afternoon. I don´t even usually like chicken, but that´s the magical touch of Erin´s cooking. It was delicious. Unfortunately the family didn´t take to it quite like moths to a lightbulb, but they were really grateful for the break from the kitchen. At any rate, I got a meal that didn´t consist of beans and flavorless cheese.

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