Thursday, November 8, 2007

Why I want to move to the other side of the country

Two weeks ago, I went on a school-sponsored trip to Washington D.C. for a national student media conference (the Whitworthian took 3rd in our category for best of show, just to brag a little.) This was my second visit to the city in a year, and my third overall. I don't really count my first trip as a valid source of data, considering I was like 9 and it was balls hot and at the time I could have cared less about anything labeled "Smithsonian." After my return adventures, however, I think it's safe to say I've caught what they refer to as "Potomac Fever." It's a common phenomenon that describes a person's love affair with the city and surrounding area. Here are just a few of my motivating symptoms:

-D.C. is its own organism. The city is alive, it has a pulse you can feel in the air and see on the streets. There are people of all countries and creeds mingling together toward a common goal of democracy and optimism. Don't get me wrong: I'm sure more debates and disagreements happen there than almost anywhere else in the United States. But it's the very idea that so many different people have the opportunity to argue in the first place that creates such a rhythm and vivacity to the city.

-It has freaking delicious food. Pot Belly's, Fudruckers, Murky Coffee, Cosi, and many more restaurants and cafes offer a wide variety of non-greased, non-processed and preserved foods that just make you feel better about eating them.

-Who doesn't want to be able to sit in a 24-hour Starbucks in Chinatown?

-Sitting on the steps of the U.S. Capitol and watching a girl get her quincinera photos, while an Indian family stands just farther in front of you, observing the whole thing. That will never get old.

-Kelly Clarkson did a show there. Enough said.

-I discovered this story about "captial scandal." It's the icing on the cake.

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