Thursday, March 10, 2011

a lesson of compromise

Let's face it: no one who gives a hoot about politics is happy right now.

Ok, well Republicans might be happy. I'm sure my dad could explain how this is somehow "finally getting the liberal elite to examine their own hypocrisy." Usually I just put the phone on speaker and go about the rest of my life for 20 minutes or so until he realizes he's in a conversation...

Between Wisconsin, Planned Parenthood, Birthers, "forcible rape," guns in bars, and anti-Islamic legislation, it would be easy for me to go Crips-style and just start ignoring red states. The amount of energy I've used lately sitting on my couch sighing versions of "what the hell goes through some people's minds," has, quite frankly, taken away my normal sighing allowances for things like the Kardashians. And we all know how important those crazy ladies are to this great thing we call democracy.

So, in honor of taking the high road from the "You Lie!" and "Mama Grizzlie" crowd, I kept an open mind while watching a recent Daily Show interview with Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. And, as much as it disturbed the little liberal lady somewhere near my uterus (since that's the only place she knows conservatives aren't going to try and remove her from) wanted to heckle sexual innuendos about the Tea Party, I told her to give it a full term and hear him out.

And while Jon Stewart will be the first person to tell you he is not a journalist, this is the most sensible interview I've seen with a politician in quite some time. I think 50 percent of my respect comes from the seemingly simple fact he doesn't compare anyone to a Nazi. And I can admit, Paul makes a lot of sense. Just don't tell my father I said so...

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - Rand Paul Extended Interview Pt. 1
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

Find the rest of the interview here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG! You admitted it publicly! I can't believe it.

That said, he did actually make sense. Of course, he also says plenty of crazy shit, including supporting the Fetus Rights Act (I made that name up, I hate the idea) which wants to get 4-cell organisms more rights than my dog.