Sunday, December 13, 2009

I can think of at least one better thing to do with a cookie

Despite my father's protest, my roommate and I have completed our Christmasification of our tiny but cozy apartment. We started last week with the standard stockings and winter-esque votive holders in the windowsills. Then yesterday, the big finale: the tree. And although I've been known to say I would rather drop dead than sport a fake tree, I couldn't pass up a free 6-foot pine of glory, given to us by Sarah's boss.

Here it was, the opportunity I've always wanted: the chance to determine my own tree's fate, without influence of childhood advent craft days or falling apart tree toppers. (I think my family is on its 4th tree topper). Jenna and I went for simple but decked out: multicolored lights, silver and red balls, silver bead garland, and one turquoise penguin ornament. And as I prepping for a night of holiday cheer, complete with the holiday melodies of Christina Aguilera, Mariah Carey, and the boys of the top album of the decade, I heard a preposterous suggestion:

"why don't you put cookies on the tree?"

This came from not one, not two, but three different sources. At first I brushed it off as yet another weird East Coast phenomenon, like not recycling. But my go-to source for East Coast trends (my Massachusetts born and bred roommate) said this was no such tradition. So I was left with only one conclusion: there are just crazy people out there who would waste a perfectly good cookie on a Christmas tree.

So as you enjoy this holiday season, do me a favor. Bake some cookies, preferably in fun holiday shapes, and eat them as you sit and watch the twinkle lights on your non-cookied tree.

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