Monday, July 13, 2009

creature comforts

So in moving to the East Coast, I knew life would be different in some aspects. Drinking soda instead of pop, considering Michigan to be a western state, and seeing Dunkin Donuts on every freaking corner.

But the first weekend here in Philly, I came across a cultural difference I couldn't quite deal with: not only does the Starbucks near Temple University's campus close at 8 p.m. on the weekedays, it is closed ALL WEEKEND. As in not open Saturdays and Sundays. And even though I'm from the east side where we have at least half a mile between each Starbucks, I still consider myself from the unofficial coffee capital of the country. I considered these sorts of limited hours a type of blasphemy almost, if not at least a terrible business model for a coffee shop next to the 12th largest university in the country.

So after whining for a decent amount of time, my friend Patrice and I decided to make the trek down the block for a beverage, even though we'd just eaten dinner.

And as lame as it sounds, I was almost emotional drinking my venti 4-pump classic syrup black iced tea. It was a taste of home, a taste of the safe, the familiar. Sometimes we just need to stick to what we know to get through the 21 hour days.


Katie said...

I love you and your venti 4 pump classic syrup black iced tea. Not so much that you always made me repeat that to the drive thru in Starbucks. Hope your future Starbucks home in Baltimore has more normal hours, like being open all the time!

Mara said...

I don't even like Dunkin' Doughnuts-- do you have to if you move out there?
I do think their slogan that "America runs on Dunkin'" is the most accurate/depressing statement I've heard about our country in a while though...
There better be a lot of Starbucks in Palm Springs, that's all I have to say. And they BETTER be open 24 hours because I'll be on the night shift dammit.

And I miss you.