Saturday, October 4, 2008

the john mayer soundtrack

I started out the day in the optimism zone. I only had one class, and I knew we weren't going to be there for the whole hour, so I pretty much had the day ahead of me to go forth and conquer. I had some evidence cards to finish for my debate class, and a little bookkeeping to catch up on for the paper, but other than that, it was supposed to be a smooth-sailing day.

Needless to say, by 3 p.m. there was no sailing happening, and it certainly wasn't on calm waters.

Long story short, I left campus feeling pretty discouraged and just overall, incompotent. Luckily, I had a date with little Bacon for some quality sister time, so I made myself leave school and just forget about all the stuff of the day. We got in Erin's car (my car is, surprise surprise, not running), and drove the .8 miles to Foxy Nails, the hot spot of beauty in North Spokane. Kelsey cranked Erin's Spanish dancing music and got really excited when I told her one of the lyrics was "I want to dance with you, without fear, until the floor breaks." With our unibrows now tamed and my stomach filled with 5-pump classic black iced tea, we headed home and spent the next hour mocking Oprah's epiphanies about the economy.

Once Kelsey left, James and I ordered pizza, and stolled over to Best Buy while we waited for our carryout order. We ended up playing 20 minutes of "Guitar Hero" and probably annoying the hell out of the Best Buy employees, but the looks on their faces told me we were not the first to sit and play the game for free, instead of buying it and sucking at guitar in the comfort of our own homes. We then watched the full set of Will Farrell's best of SNL DVDs, which I haven't seen since freshman year of college.

I tell you this not to turn my blog into my play-by-play diary, but to illustrate a point. By the end of the night when James went home to sleep before this morning's LSAT, I had forgotten about my stressful day. When I could've been cranky, I chose to be carefree. I let anxiety be pushed out by amiability. And I realized that at the end of the day, I have more important things in my life than just getting a task done. For some reason, that lesson really smacked me in the face yesterday. It's what happens whenever I listen to John Mayer's "Room for Squares" album. I just sit and recognize that trying to fit the world inside a picture frame means that everything outside of a 4x6 image gets deems unimportant, or somehow less significant in my life.

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