Sunday, October 12, 2008

back in the day

The Smith family is on campus today, because little Nat (who I guess isn't so little anymore) is considering Whitworth. Nancy came up to the media office and immediately was drawn to our opinion columnists' byline styles, which made me smile. Kelsey was up here too, and it was then that I realized that little Bacon was also the editor-in-chief of The Altitude, Hanford High School's newspaper. And of course, this took me down memory are some of the stops I made along the train of thought:

  • explaining the difference between a gordita and chalupa as Alyssa and I made late-night Taco Bell runs. We keep things soft.
  • constantly wondering, "where did Brandon go?"
  • making glass after glass after glass of hot chocolate
  • taking three hours to make a map in Photoshop, and then making Ben admire it for an hour
  • sneaking into the press box at the state basketball tournament
  • having people stare at my chest to read about the Hanford curling team
  • playing hours of hearts instead of going to the journalism workshops at Central
  • yelling at Ben to go take a photo of something, even though he had no idea what the story was about
  • arguing over whether or not certain French phrases were common knowledge.
  • the endless pranks
  • getting ink all over my face when I always forgot to wash my hands after delivering the paper
  • watching Nancy shop at instead of grading papers
  • editing with Alyssa on my lap

...just to name a few


Weakley said...
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nancy said...

we just finished an election issue last night (they did great) and today on my front step is a package with a new green jacket--on clearance!