Thursday, December 9, 2010

I expected more from the white leggigs

Baltimore, you disappointed me last night.

Sure, you were dressed to the nines in your platform heels and one size too small white leggings (and actually leggings of all different varied patterns that make me rethink my earlier post on the subject). You even kept your cool when Usher pulled you onstage to essentially simulate sex for a good 10 minutes. You had some good counter moves.

But compared to the enthusiasm I've seen you exhibit for lake trout and a chicken box, I was expecting much more when the king of abs himself was asking you to wave your hands.

Now I wasn't asking for you to throw your panties onstage or start some sort of Bieber-esque hysteria. We were all mature, loyal fans patiently waiting for our dreams to come true. But I don't think it's too much to ask that when Usher is busting out a medley of the old classics that you put down the camera phones and actually engage with the performance. You could've just taken your picture with the 10-foot prom background of his 12-pack and saved your battery for another day.

I expected more. After all, I was able to scream the lyrics to "Burn" while also snapping a crappy quality photo of him performing ABOVE THE AUDIENCE. Can no one multitask anymore?

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