Saturday, January 22, 2011

A new blogging venture

Anyone who spends more than about 5 minutes with me knows I'm a huge proponent for gender equality. And no, that doesn't mean I think women should take over every CEO position and every political race with no concern for the Y chromosomes of the world. We should be FAMILY LEAVE, people.

As a way to further explore these issues, as well as take an opportunity to work on a writing project with my Whitworth journalism partner in crime, we have started The Gender Report. While it is not as focused on commentary as I would be on this site, I think many of you will still find it reeks of bacon. Different posts include daily Gender Checks, looking at the balance of bylines and sources used in print and online sources in 4 major regions of the country, as well as a News Feed with relevant headlines and happenings around the world.

As a result, the frequency of my shaking and baking may become a bit diminished. We launched the site last week and so far have seen a great reception and following start to build. But don't worry, the minutes I see another fashion disaster such as the pajama jean or spring cleaning reflections, I'll be sure to share.


Katie said...

Sad days :( How else am I supposed to waste my time?

joy said...

Waste it at the Gender Report!!