Thursday, May 22, 2008

I'll get off the couch eventually

For the past week (with the exception of yesterday), my day has been sad but predictable: wake up around 9:30, lay in bed until 9:56, stumble downstairs and plop myself on the couch, watch needless hours of terrible yet addictive daytime television, get up and eat a sandwich, argue with my sister about watching Malcolm in the Middle or Dr. Phil, then eat dinner and go to work. Pathetic. I have, today, finally dragged myself out of the living room and will soon attempt to finish unpacking. Part of the reason I find myself stuck on the couch is that I have not taken any of my clothes out of the suitcase, so I don't have anything to wear anyway.

All that is about to change. I'm tired of sitting and watching commercials clearly aimed at middle aged women sitting at home. I'm tired of not putting on real clothes until after 4 in the afternoon. And I'm tired of feeling like a lazy butt who contributes nothing to society. Granted, I know this will change in two weeks when I move and have a "real" job (even though I've been writing for two publications since I've been home and worked 7 days a week at the fabulous Rollarena). But I thought I would put some goals, in writing, to help myself feel less like a doof:

-write every day outside of journalism. This could be a handwritten letter, a poem, a short piece about a man walking down the sidewalk.
-watch no more than an hour of television a day.
-Wear my hair three different ways each week. (The blob on top of my head gets old.)
-Eat two pieces of real fruit a day.
-Cut down on my potty mouth. I don't swear too much anymore, but I still say inappropriate things, and usually at the most inappropriate times. That's a problem.
-Call a friend each week to just say hello and that I appreciate them.
-Improve my spelling and verbal vocabulary skills.
-Do some sort of legitimate exercise at least every other day. Walking counts, because it doubles for a mental exercise too. My head is always clearer after a good stroll.


nancy said...

I admit to pretty much hating goals, but yours kind of inspire me--all but the watching only 1 hour of TV. CNN? HGTV? TLC? The election, especially, is worth over an hour a day. I'll see you at Kelsey's dropin--and I promise not to ask about school.

joy said...

I usually am a goal hater, just because I rarely meet them to the level I would want, and that just gets depressing after a while. And as far as the TV thing goes, I meant non-educational shows (like the View). I consider CNN and anything on TLC part of my education, and therefore not part of the couch potato experience. Especially "What not to Wear" and "John and Kate plus 8."

Weakley said...

yes. thank you for watching "jon and kate plus 8". if that isn't education on family planning i don't know what is.

Unknown said...

yes, that blob on your head does get old, but it's kind of your thing.

You're really going to/want to increase your verbal skills this summer? Really?

James Spung said...

Hey guess what? I read your blog.