Friday, September 14, 2007

life as an upperclasswoman

As I finish out my first full week at school, I have been struck by the reality that I'm halfway done with school, and I can tell. Here are just a few of the realizations that have come with my new "higher" standing:

-Sometimes homework really is a better idea than hanging out with friends
-Keep your mouth shut until you have something really important to say. People will respect your opinion more if it doesn't come out every three seconds.
-It's okay to like the music you like. It's your taste, and you shouldn't have to defend it to others that disagree. Unless you like Nickelback, in which case we need to have a serious chat about your common sense.
-Community is not a state of being. It's a process.
-Journalists are viewed as right above lawyers on the morality scale of the professional world. Considering the only thing I wanted to be before I went into journalism was a lawyer, I guess I'm just drawn to "shady" professions. Take that as you will.
-Studying abroad is a really really good idea that I should have planned for earlier.
-Being honest about how you feel about someone shouldn't be as scary as it is.

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